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National fostering film project launches in Leicester & Leicestershire

Published on Wednesday, October 13, 2021

2 minute read

A picture of a foster family (posed/generic pic)

A powerful short film aimed at encouraging more foster carers to come forward has been released.

Leicestershire County and Leicester City Councils have joined forces with 32 other local authorities and fostering organisations from across Britain for the national release of a new short film, called ‘Out There’.

The unique film project, developed by the West Midlands Regional Fostering Recruitment Forum, is now working with councils around the country who have jointly funded its creation.

‘Out There’ highlights the ways fostering can make a difference to the lives of everyone involved, from the children and young people who live with foster carers, to those who come forward to care for them.

The aim is that it will be shared on social media in cities, towns and villages right across the UK, reaching countless people and showing them the many benefits fostering brings and helping children and young people into safe, nurturing homes.

Councillor Deborah Taylor, Leicestershire County Council cabinet member for children & family services, said: “While we already have many brilliant foster carers in Leicestershire, the reality is we always need more people to open their homes and their hearts to fostering.

“There are currently almost 700 children in the care of Leicestershire County Council and we are always looking for those special people to come forward to volunteers as foster carers and to make a real difference to the lives of these children.

 “This project has been a fantastic way of working together to make the production of a high-quality film that will be a real asset to our recruitment of new foster carers for Leicestershire."

Councillor Sarah Russell, Leicester’s deputy city mayor for social care and anti-poverty, said: “Foster carers change lives. We’re always keen to hear from people who would be interested in becoming a foster parent – from all of the diverse communities we have in Leicester.

“This film will help to raise the profile of fostering and encourage more people to consider it as an option. I’m very pleased that we have been able to support it.”

People who are interested in fostering in Leicestershire can watch the film at

 Information about fostering with Leicester City Council is available at