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Consultation launched on future of city’s homelessness services

Dawn Centre

PEOPLE are being asked for their views on homelessness services in the city in a new public consultation.

Every five years, Leicester City Council must carry out a review of its services to tackle homelessness and draw up new a homelessness and rough sleeping strategy.

The public consultation – which was launched today (25 Jul) – will give people a chance to give their views on the challenges in tackling homelessness, existing support and how they want to see services being delivered in future.

People have until Sunday 6th September 2022 to take part in the consultation.

The city council’s current homelessness strategy focuses on preventing homelessness, breaking the cycle of homelessness, and providing support and services so that no one needs to sleep rough in Leicester. This includes working with a range of organisations, including charities and voluntary groups, to provide temporary accommodation, outreach teams, and assistance with securing and maintaining long-term accommodation.

Cllr Elly Cutkelvin, assistant city mayor for housing, said: “Providing effective homelessness services across the city is not something that any one single organisation can do by itself – it involves working closely with faith groups, voluntary services and the private sector.

“We are having to draw up our next homelessness strategy at a time when people are facing huge challenges presented by the cost-of-living crisis and against ongoing Government cuts which will strip yet more funding from our services.

“We need to know from people how they feel about the existing services, what could be improved, and how we can meet the challenge of continuing to provide an effective service for some of the most vulnerable people in our city.”

To take part in the consultation visit