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Information event to help people take first step towards university study

Published on Tuesday, November 22, 2022

1 minute read


PEOPLE can find out about an alternative route into higher education and university study at an open day.

Leicester Adult Education College, in Belvoir Street, is holding the event on Friday 2 December, from 11am to 1pm, to help people find out more about its Pre-Access to University course.

The six-month, one-day-a-week course – which begins in January 2023 – is aimed at people who are interested in studying at university but do not have the necessary qualifications or are not sure if they are ready to commit to the full-time intensive level 3 Access course. It provides an opportunity to develop academic study skills and provides a perfect stepping-stone to a Level 3 Access Diploma.

Minimum entry requirements are level 1 English and maths functional skills, equivalent to GCSE grade 2-3 (or E to D).

Course fees are fully funded (free) for eligible applicants, including unemployed and low-waged people.

Rebekah Stevenson, curriculum co-ordinator at Leicester Adult Education College, said: “The Pre-Access to University course is a great opportunity to take a first step towards higher education and a return to academic study. It also provides a chance to learn alongside other adult students and get the skills, confidence and qualifications needed to start the journey towards university.”

“Our information event will help people find out more about the course as well as providing a chance to talk to staff and ask any questions about funding and fees.”

To find out more about Pre-Access to University information event at Leicester Adult Education College call 0116 454 1900 or visit the Facebook event page

Places can be booked in advance, although people are welcome to drop in on the day.