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Busy road junction to close for overnight resurfacing work

Signs showing road closed and diversion route

THE junction of two major roads in Leicester will be closed overnight for resurfacing work next week.

Work has been ongoing since last year on the £5m new link road scheme joining Putney Road West to Aylestone Road and Saffron Lane, which is due to be completed later this summer.

As part of that work, the junction of Aylestone Road and Saffron Lane will be closed to all traffic for five nights, from Monday, June 6, to enable the resurfacing to take place. The closure will be in effect between 8pm and 6am for five nights.

Diversions will be clearly signposted. The diversion route for Aylestone Road will be via Glenhills Way and Welford Road, while the diversion route for Saffron Lane traffic will be via Knighton Lane East and Welford Road. 

The link road, which is part funded by £3.2million from the Government’s National Productivity Investment Fund, will create a shorter route for traffic moving east to west across the southern part of the city, and is designed to help relieve congestion on the southern ring road, deter rat running and to support economic growth with better access to businesses in the Freemen’s Common Industrial Estate.

The completed scheme will also include high-quality walking and cycling links, new road crossings and other sustainable transport works costing £2.9m and funded through existing budgets from the Government’s Department for Transport grants.

The scheme will also save around 340 tonnes of CO2 each year.

Leicester Deputy City Mayor for Environment and Transportation, Cllr Adam Clarke, said: “A huge amount of work has been carried out over the last 12 months, and the junction forming part of that needs to be resurfaced.

“By ensuring the work is carried out using overnight closures, traffic will be able to continue as normal during the morning and afternoon rush hour.”

Contractors Balfour Beatty are carrying out the scheme, with is expected be completed later this summer.
