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Log on to the latest chapter in the lives of the Leicester Peregrines

Published on Thursday, April 23, 2020

2 minute read

Peregrine in nest

LEICESTER’S resident Peregrine falcons are offering viewers another privileged slice of life streamed live from their nest-mounted webcams.

The pair of birds have made a lofty nest box on the bell tower of Leicester Cathedral their home for the last four years and laid their latest clutch of eggs late last month.

If the eggs successfully hatch, this will the third consecutive year that the birds have raised chicks from the purpose-built nest.

The four eggs could hatch at any point over the next couple of weeks and the parents are currently taking it in turns to incubate.

Three webcams discretely installed inside the nest mean that people can view the Peregrines live, and keep up-to-date with daily progress reports, at

Cllr Adam Clarke, deputy city mayor for environment, said: “The Leicester Peregrines are a wonderful reminder of the wildlife that can thrive in our city.

“The project is an excellent example of local organisations working closely together to help protect and conserve these birds.

“They now have an ideal home safe above the city and the cameras mean that we can all enjoy a privileged glimpse into the life and activity of the Peregrines as it happens while we stay safe at home.”

Jim Graham, president of LROS (Leicestershire and Rutland Ornithological Society), said: “It is a privilege to be able to watch the antics and interactions of the Leicester Peregrines and their young, Last year, three juveniles fledged from the nest and we are hoping for another successful breeding season.”

Traditionally, Peregrines would be found on uplands and cliffs of rocky sea coasts but they can be found in cities where they make their homes high on buildings and can reside in relative safety and raise their young.

Leicester is one of a number of cities making a positive contribution to Peregrine conservation.

The bell tower nest on Leicester Cathedral was created in 2016 and involved the careful removal of a 180kg block of stone to make way for the nesting box to create a suitable breeding environment for Peregrines. Three nest-mounted webcams were also set up to allow the closer study of these magnificent birds.

The Leicester Peregrine Project is run by the Leicestershire and Rutland Ornithological Society with the help and support of Leicester City Council, Leicester Cathedral and the King Richard III Visitor Centre.

Unfortunately, all Peregrine watch events are currently cancelled due to the coronavirus situation.

For updates and more information visit or follow @LeicsPeregrines on Twitter.