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Advice and information on returning to school

Published on Thursday, August 13, 2020

2 minute read

A school pupil (stock photo)

PARENTS with questions about sending their children back to school can visit the city council’s website for advice and information.

A new webpage – at – lists some common questions parents may have, such as:

  • How safe will it be for my child to return to school?
  • Do I have to send my child?
  • My child is very anxious about returning, will there be help available with this?

Other questions cover topics including travelling to school, uniform, and after-school clubs.

Some schools will start to open to pupils from Wednesday 26 August, with most opening from Tuesday 1 September.  Parents should contact their child’s school or check their school’s website for the opening date, which may be different for different year groups.

Assistant city mayor for education Cllr Elly Cutkelvin said: “As we approach the school autumn term, I would like to express my thanks to families in Leicester for their strength during these challenging times.   

“We recognise there will be many questions for parents to consider, not just around safety but also the logistics of getting their children back to school – which is why we have set up this webpage to help.”

Strategic director of social care and education Martin Samuels added: “The start of any school year is a big event in children’s lives, and this year all the more so. School is a really important element of every child’s life.

 “We fully understand that some parents may have concerns over sending their children back to school.  The questions and answers we have posted online are intended to address those concerns and offer reassurance.

“Parents should approach their child’s school with any remaining concerns. We have been supporting schools develop their plans for reopening, and we are keen to support families too, by providing as many answers as we can.

“The number of children who have tested positive for coronavirus in Leicester remains low, despite the city having done significantly more tests than anywhere else in the country. As far as we are aware, there was not a single case of pupil-to-pupil transmission during the period when schools were open. This fits with experience in other countries that have reopened schools and have not seen any increase in infection rates as a consequence.

“We know that schools are looking forward to welcoming back pupils for the autumn term and that they are doing all they can to make sure that schools are the safest place for them to be.”

To view the FAQs, visit

More information is also available on

People with children at school in Leicestershire can find information at