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Government announces some easing of coronavirus restrictions in Leicester

Published on Tuesday, August 18, 2020

4 minute read


CORONAVIRUS restrictions that prevent people from different households from meeting up in each other’s homes and gardens are to stay in place in Leicester following the latest review by the Government.

However, the lockdown of beauticians, tattooists and nail bars will end and they will be allowed to open from Wednesday 19 August, the Government has today announced (18 Aug).

People who are clinically vulnerable are being advised to continue shielding until at least 7 September, but the guidelines have now been relaxed. Now, anyone shielding will be able to meet outdoors in a group of up to six people including others not from their household, while keeping socially distanced.

Single-adult households who are shielding, including those with children under-18, will also be able to form a social bubble with another household, and have them inside their house and for overnight stays.

Leicester City Mayor Sir Peter Soulsby said: “The outcome of the review is more or less as we expected. We had planned to continue our neighbourhood testing programme throughout August and the restrictions around households will help in our efforts to track down the virus and contain it.

“I’m pleased to see that the guidelines around shielding have relaxed slightly as I think it’s important that vulnerable people who have been shielding for many months now are able to have more contact with family and friends. This will greatly benefit their mental health, while still keeping their physical health as the greatest priority.

“What we really don’t want is to see numbers increase which could result in more severe restrictions being put in place once again in parts, or all, of the city.”

Leicester’s Director of Public Health Professor Ivan Browne said: “I would ask people in Leicester to keep doing their bit by following the guidelines, observing social distancing and washing or sanitising their hands.

“Unless you’ve already formed a social bubble or are shielding and therefore now allowed to form a bubble, you shouldn’t have other people in your house or garden if you don’t live with them, even if they are family.

“During August we’ll be continuing to knock on doors to offer free tests, so please take a test if you are offered one, and if you have symptoms, stay at home and get a test as soon as you can.

“I’d like to thank people for their hard work so far, and ask that they continue to follow the guidelines so we can reduce transmissions and get the city back to normal as far as is possible.”

Changes to restrictions confirmed today (18 Aug) are summarised below:

  • You can visit a beautician, tattooist or nail bar from Wednesday (19 Aug). However, close contact services, such as eyebrow treatments or facials, are not permitted.
  • Shielded people can now meet outdoors in a group of up to six, including those from other households, while maintaining social distancing. Also, single adults who are shielding, including those with children under the age of 18-years can form a social bubble with another household who can visit them indoors and stay overnight.


  • You must still not visit family or friends inside their homes or in their gardens unless you’ve formed a social bubble with them.
  • You cannot stay overnight in another person’s home, unless you’ve formed a bubble with them
  • You cannot meet up with anyone from outside your household inside a café, bar or restaurant.

No date has been given by the Government for its next review of coronavirus restrictions in Leicester.

The Government’s latest guidance to what you can and cannot do in Leicester is available on its website

Answers to some frequently asked questions are available on the city council’s coronavirus advice webpages

Anyone noticing the first signs of coronavirus – which could include a high temperature, a continuous cough or changes to their sense of taste or smell – must stay at home and arrange a test immediately.

Anyone who has been in contact with someone with symptoms should get themselves tested urgently too.

To book a test at a testing centre in Leicester, go to or call 119.

Following new guidance from the Chief Medical Officer, anyone testing positive for Covid-19 must now self-isolate at home for at least 10 days, or until their symptoms have gone.

Anyone living in the same household as someone who tests positive must stay at home for 14 days to stop the virus from spreading.

Advice for everyone in Leicester remains as follows:

  • Stay 2m apart from anyone outside of your household
  • Wash your hands regularly
  • Limit your contact with other people
  • Wear a face covering on buses, in shops, in hospitals and in any confined space
  • Don’t meet up with other people in their homes or gardens
  • Book a test and self-isolate as soon as symptoms appear at
  • No internet access? Call 119 to book your test
  • If you test positive, continue to stay at home for at least 10 days and until you feel better
  • Members of your household should stay at home for 14 days