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Next phase of repairs and improvements to pavements on Narborough Road to begin

Published on Wednesday, August 12, 2020

1 minute read

Pavement improvements on Narborough Road

AN investment of £175,000 is being made to repair and improve pavements, street furniture and bollards on one of the busiest gateways into Leicester.

The work is being carried out along Narborough Road in phases, to ensure businesses and residents are not disrupted by the planned improvements.

As part of the scheme, broken slabs will be replaced, drains improved and pavements resurfaced, as well as new bollards and cycle racks being installed where feasible. Repairs will be made to footway damage caused by tree roots and vehicles parking on pavements. 

The latest work will be done on a stretch of Narborough Road from Roman Street to Briton Street outbound, and also from Westcotes Drive to Shaftesbury Road inbound. An earlier phase of works begun in March 2020 saw £145,000 invested in repairs in the area between Narborough Road's junctions with Upperton Road and Equity Road.

Letters have been sent out to residents and businesses informing them of the latest works, which are expected to begin on August 17 and last for 10 weeks.

Leicester deputy city mayor and Westcotes ward councillor, Sarah Russell, said: “Repairs are needed on various parts of Narborough Road due to wear and tear in what is a thriving retail and residential area, and these improvements to help make it a more attractive, pleasant environment for people to live and shop.

“Many of these local businesses will have already experienced disruption over the last few months due to the COVID-19 lockdown, so its vey important that this work is done in phases to ensure it doesn’t cause further problems to businesses, residents and road users in the area.”

The work is being funded through a combination of Leicester City Council's highway maintenance capital fund, and Section 106 contributions earmarked for helping retail areas of the city, paid for by developers extending Fosse Park’s shopping centre.
