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Changes in Church Gate as work starts on Sandacre Street

Published on Tuesday, January 14, 2020

2 minute read

traffic management

A SECTION of Church Gate will be closed to traffic on Sunday (19 January) as the city council prepares to reverse traffic flow on that part of the city centre street.

Church Gate will be closed between its junctions with St Peter’s Lane and Gravel Street from 8am on Sunday, with a section of Butt Close Lane - between Blake Street and Church Gate - also closed.

Once council workers have installed new signs and painted new road markings to enable the change to take place, the section of Church Gate will re-open on Sunday afternoon, with traffic now flowing one-way towards Gravel Street.

During the closures, parking in the area will be suspended and diversion routes will be in place and clearly signposted.

The following day (Monday 20 January), Sandacre Street will close to traffic for around six months, as works to reconstruct and upgrade the road get under way.

The permanent change on Church Gate and the refurbishment of Sandacre Street – which will be part of an improved new route for pedestrians between Leicester’s two bus stations – are part of a £4m scheme that is creating a new link road for buses between Belgrave Gate and Mansfield Street.

The construction of the new link road – which will be called Savoy Street - got under way in November and is due for completion in mid-2020.

While Sandacre Street is closed, traffic wishing to access St Peter’s Lane or Mansfield Street will be diverted via Burleys Way, Burleys Way roundabout, Belgrave Gate, Haymarket and Church Gate.  

The Belgrave Gate and Mansfield Street link road and improvement scheme is supported by the Government’s Local Growth Fund through the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership Limited (LLEP).


About the LLEP

Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership Ltd (LLEP) is an incorporated strategic body established to drive forward regeneration and growth of the local economy. The LLEP works with partners and government to set out key investment priorities for Leicester & Leicestershire. It also invests funding and aligns partner resources and through its investments and influences it drives activities that ensure positive outcomes for the local economy.

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