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Reminder of resurfacing work at Krefeld Way

Illuminated warning sign showing men at work

MOTORISTS are being reminded about resurfacing work that is due to take place on a section of Leicester’s outer ring road from this weekend.

Krefeld Way will be closed in both directions between Strasbourg Drive and Beaumont Leys Lane from 6am on Saturday, June 13, until 7am on Saturday, June 20, so that the city council can carry out extensive resurfacing to the road.

A diversion route will send eastbound traffic via Anstey Lane, Blackbird Road and Abbey Lane. Westbound traffic will also be using this route in reverse during the closure. Localised diversion routes will also be in place during the works.

Work is costing about £275,000 and will see just under 10,000 square metres of road resurfaced, and involves removing and replacing over 1,100 tonnes of asphalt.

Some emergency repairs were carried out along the same section of road back in December 2019, which involved making emergency patch repairs to over 700 square metres of road surface, costing about £25,000 in total.  That work was needed before this latest resurfacing could take place.

Signs warning drivers to take extra care on the uneven surface are in place.

Up-to-date information about traffic and travel in Leicester is available from Leicester Area Traffic Control at @ATCLeicester
