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City Mayor launches fund to support community mobilisation

VIew of a Leicester neighbourhood

A NEW fund has been set up to allow local councillors to support community groups that are helping vulnerable people in their wards.

City Mayor Peter Soulsby announced the new Community Mobilisation Fund at a meeting of the council last night (Thursday).

Each ward has been awarded an initial sum of £5,000 – but the City Mayor has promised that more resources will be made available, if needed.

“Community groups play a vital role in supporting vulnerable people in neighbourhoods across the city, and this new funding will help them respond to the emerging needs in their communities,” he said.

“Our councillors know their communities better than anyone, and are therefore best placed to harness the skills and support the initiatives that could make a big difference to people in their wards.

“We’ve allocated £5,000 to each ward initially, which will be spent at the ward councillors’ discretion, but more resources will be made available, if necessary.”

The community mobilisation fund is intended to support community groups operating in city neighbourhoods. Separate funds are available for supporting  individuals, families and businesses facing financial hardship.