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Council reminds public of Government guidance on outdoor exercise

Coronavirus poster in parks

WITH the weekend coming up, the city council is reminding people that they can leave their homes for exercise just once a day.

To save lives, and to protect yourself and others from the coronavirus, the best thing you can do is to stay at home.

However, exercise is important for people’s physical and mental wellbeing, so the government has said people can leave their homes for a walk, a run or a bike ride once a day.

To reduce interaction with other people, you should exercise alone – or only with people you live with.

Keep at least 2 metres, or 6ft, away from anyone not in your household at all times.

And while all of Leicester’s parks remain open, you should use the open spaces closest to your home to avoid unnecessary travel.

Head of Parks & Open Spaces Stewart Doughty said: “We need to remind people that our parks are open so they can have a walk or a run in the fresh air – and a daily walk will make everyone feel better.

“But picnics, barbecues and gatherings of more than two people are all banned – and the Police are enforcing these new rules.

“Please abide by the new rules while continuing to enjoy some fresh air every day.”

Posters have gone up in Leicester’s parks, reminding people to keep two metres apart at all times.

All play areas, outdoor gyms, ball courts and toilets are now closed.

Anyone with symptoms of coronavirus should not be outdoors. Those with symptoms who live alone should strictly self-isolate for seven days. If one member of a household shows symptoms, all members of the household must strictly self-isolate for 14 days.

The Government’s guidance on exercising outdoors is set out below:

• stay local and use open spaces near to your home where possible – do not travel unnecessarily

• you should only go outside alone or with members of your own household

• keep at least 2 metres apart from anyone outside your household at all times

• gatherings of more than two in parks or other public spaces have been banned and the police will enforce this

• if you have a garden, make use of the space for exercise and fresh air

• take hygiene precautions when you are outside, and wash your hands as soon as you are back indoors

The latest advice from the Government on the coronavirus outbreak is available at

Latest service updates from Leicester City Council are available at