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Shopmobility service in the city to close temporarily

Published on Wednesday, March 18, 2020

1 minute read

Person using a shopmobility scooter

A VOLUNTEER-led service providing scooters for elderly people and those with mobility issues has closed temporarily.

The shopmobility service, which operates from the Highcross Shopping Centre and Haymarket Bus Station, provides mobility aids and scooters for around 2,000 customers who would otherwise struggle to get around the city centre.

Martin Fletcher, the Director of Highways at Leicester City Council, which oversees the service, said: “The shopmobility service is run entirely by a small team of dedicated volunteers, and with the unprecedented coronavirus crisis we are facing, we simply do not have enough volunteers or staff to keep it open at present.

“It will close until further notice. We apologise for the inconvenience this may cause, and will continue to follow the latest Government guidance on how to proceed.”

Further updates on disruption to Leicester City Council services are available online at
