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Work completed on latest community parking spaces scheme

Many cars parked close together

OVER 50 new parking spaces and laybys have been created across Leicester as part of a programme to help neighbourhoods.

A total of £284,000 was invested in seven schemes across the city over the last few months, to create new parking areas for residents in communities all over the city.

Work was completed last month at all the sites, which include areas of Eyres Monsell, Humberstone and Hamilton, North Evington and Highfields.

It was the latest phase of a programme of work which has seen over £1million invested in creating 150 new spaces and parking areas in 19 neighbourhoods across the city in the last two years.

In Monmouth Drive, Eyres Monsell, a 10-space parking areas have now been created at the cost of £68,000, while in nearby Ibsley Way, £37,000 was invested in creating a new layby with seven parking spaces. Whitteney Drive North, also in Eyres Monsell, benefitted from eight new spaces created in layby, costing £44,000.

In Humberstone, four new spaces were created in Briarfield Drive at the cost of £28,000, while seven new parking bays were installed at Oak Street off Humberstone Road, costing £42,000.

Six additional car parking spaces were created in Dupont Gardens, Braunstone Frith, at the cost of £30,000, with nine parking bays installed at Pluto Close, Highfields, at a cost of £35,000.

Cllr Kirk Master, assistant city mayor for neighbourhoods, said: “Many city streets, which were laid out decades ago, struggle to cope with the modern number of cars, so parking is at a premium in places, and is an issue which is often raised with us by communities.

“We’ve been working with ward councillors and other people in neighbours across the city to look at where improvements can be made, and existing laybys or vacant land transformed into much-needed parking.”

The work was funded from money set aside for local environment works and with income raised from parking charges.
