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New 20mph zone due for Clarendon Park

20mph street sign

MORE than a dozen streets in Leicester’s Clarendon Park suburb are due to come under a new 20mph zone after residents voted in favour of bringing in the speed-reduction measures.

The scheme will cover the majority of Clarendon Park, and links up with existing 20mph schemes which are in place around Welford Road, Avenue Infants School and several residential streets to the west of London Road.

Residents had voted in favour of such as scheme earlier this year, with 89 per cent of those who responded backing a 20mph scheme.

The new 20mph zone will cover the length of Howard Road, Lorne Road, Adderley Road, Hartopp Road, Lytton Road, St Leonard’s Road, Cradock Road, Oxford Road and Edward Road, as well as Montague Road, Seymour Road, Bulwer Road and the remaining sections of Clarendon Park Road not already covered by the existing schemes.

Also included in the scheme will be Thurlow Road, Fleetwood Road, Leopold Road and Lytham Road.

Much of the Clarendon Park area, between Welford Road, London Road and Victoria Park Road, comprises narrow streets of Edwardian terraced houses.

Detailed designs for the scheme are due to be drawn up in the coming months, with the 20mph zone in place by August 2020. In all the scheme is expected to cost about £8,000, funded from the city council’s capital programme for active travel and road safety.

It is part of a rolling programme of installing 20mph zones in communities where residents have requested them, and to encourage more sustainable travel such as walking and cycling.
