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Have your say on Leicester’s Local Plan

Published on Wednesday, November 25, 2020

1 minute read

Housing at Ashton Green in Leicester

THERE’S still time for people to have their say on the way Leicester will grow in the future – but make sure you tell us your views by 7 December.

Leicester’s draft Local Plan sets out policies and proposals for the city’s growth over the next 15 years. It covers a wide range of issues that affect city residents and businesses, including future plans for housing, employment, transport and economic development.

A consultation on the plan has been open since 14 September and closes on 7 December. It is available online at

On the consultation website, there is a full copy of the draft Local Plan as well as details of all proposed sites for potential development across the city. An interactive map sets out all of the sites in detail. People are able to click on the sites and make individual comments on them.

City mayor Peter Soulsby said: “We invite local residents, business and any other interested parties to comment on our draft Local Plan.

“A Local Plan is something every local authority has to have in place, by law. It covers the way we propose to develop the city over the next 15 years. Without such a plan, it would be harder for us to protect wildlife and our built heritage, make plans for a greener and healthier city, or effectively accommodate the growing needs of our city.

“The contents of the draft plan are very much initial proposals for consideration and are in no way fixed at this stage. This draft will be followed by a more developed ‘Submission Draft’ plan, which will also be consulted upon, and then by a public examination which will give further opportunities for people to comment on the emerging proposals.”

To take part in the consultation, visit
