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Colourful crossings link city centre with cultural quarter

Published on Wednesday, September 23, 2020

1 minute read

Pedestrian crossing at Charles Street/Halford Street junction

COLOURFUL coatings are being installed on two busy city centre crossings to create distinctive pedestrian links into Leicester’s cultural quarter.

Designed by artist Phil Blake, the two designs will brighten up the crossings on Charles Street, near its junctions with Halford Street and Rutland Street.

The city council has commissioned the artworks through Leicester-based Graffwerk to create colourful pedestrian routes to venues in the cultural quarter, including Curve and the Phoenix cinema.

Made of preformed thermoplastic and costing £23,500, the designs will be applied to the road surface overnight and will all be in place by tomorrow morning (24 September).

Deputy city mayor Cllr Adam Clarke said: “We asked the artist to create some unique pedestrian crossings in his trademark style that would connect the cultural quarter with the city centre.

“He’s come up with some really attractive designs which form the perfect link with the bars, venues and creative businesses in the cultural quarter.

“If people like them, and think they help brighten up the street environment, we’ll look at installing more distinctive designs at other busy pedestrian crossings in the city centre.”