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Have your say on Leicester’s Local Plan

Published on Monday, September 14, 2020

2 minute read

New housing at Ashton Green in Leicester (illustrating the consultation into Leicester's draft Local Plan, which identifies potential new sites for housing)

A CONSULTATION has opened asking for people’s views on Leicester’s Local Plan.

The plan, which sets out policies and proposals for the city’s growth over the next 15 years, covers a wide range of issues that affect city residents, including future plans for housing, employment, transport and economic development.

The consultation is available online at It includes the draft Local Plan and details of all proposed sites for potential development across the city, as well as an interactive map that sets out all the sites in detail. People are able to click on the sites and make individual comments on them.

City mayor Peter Soulsby said: “A Local Plan is something every local authority has to have in place, by law. It covers the way we plan to develop the city over the next 15 years. Without such a plan, it would be harder for us to protect wildlife and our built heritage, make plans for a greener and healthier city, or effectively accommodate the growing needs of our city.

“We know that we have a number of challenges ahead – not least the climate emergency and our responsibility to protect our environment for future generations. That is why our new Local Plan is more important than ever.

“We originally prepared to consult on the draft Local Plan back in March, but the coronavirus lockdown caused us to postpone. We’re now ready to launch our comprehensive consultation, which will run from today (Monday 14 Sept) until 7 December, to give people plenty of time to comment.”

Unfortunately, face-to-face meetings for people to give their views are not possible at this stage, due to coronavirus. However, people are invited to comment online and can look at copies of the Local Plan in city libraries, the majority of which have now been reopened.

The city council has already consulted several times on elements of the plan – including sustainable development options – and is now asking for people’s comments on the detail, including comments on specific sites.

All the comments and suggestions received will be considered before a final version of the plan is produced for further consultation.

The plan will then be used to inform planning policy and decisions in the city.

To take part in the consultation, visit
