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Open day to showcase skills for work courses

Published on Monday, September 14, 2020

1 minute read

Person studying

ADULTS wanting improve their career prospects can find out about a range of skills for work courses at an open day this week.

Leicester Adult Skills and Learning Service (LASALS) is holding the open day to showcase the range of skills development courses, work-related qualifications and access to higher education programmes on offer.

The open day will be held at Leicester Adult Education College, on Belvoir Street, on Thursday 17 September, with sessions running from 10.30am and 2pm.

Visitors will be able to find out about a range of courses that lead to businesses qualifications that many employers are now asking for. These include AAT Accountancy; IAB Bookkeeping and Payroll; and recognised courses for people interested in working as teaching assistants or counsellors.

Courses in computing, administration skills, first aid and food safety will also be show.

Debbie Edwards, curriculum manager at Leicester City Council’s Adult Skills and Learning Service, said: “We offer a range of skills for work courses that allow our learners to improve their job prospects. The courses are designed for adults who are looking for work, aiming to progress in a current job or interested in a career change.

“All the courses at our open day are designed to support individuals with their career aspirations, whether they have no previous experience or want to build on existing skills.”

Most courses are now offered as a mix of classroom based teaching and online learning, with some online-only courses also available.

Places at the open day will be limited due to the need for social distancing so it is advisable to pre-book by calling 0116 454 1900.

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