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Join in the fun at Open Streets

A graphic to promote Open Streets

FREE events that make the most of Leicester’s people-friendly streets and spaces will be on offer in Leicester this weekend, as part of the city council’s regular ‘Open Streets’ series.

Open Streets takes place on the last Sunday of the month from June to October from 1-4pm, and features walks, bike rides, music and street activities for a mini-festival of fun designed to show how easy it is to cycle or walk around Leicester.

It focuses on the Greyfriars and Old Town area of the city centre.

This Sunday’s Open Streets, on 29 August, will include a Rocket Round Leicester led ride. Join the free ride outside the Town Hall bike park at 1.30pm for a tour of some of the rockets in this impressive city sculpture trail – the best way to see them is by bike! 

There will also be an impressive skills demonstration from the Danny Butler MTB Show, bicycle-based fun from Sustrans and a range of family-friendly activities on offer at the KRIII Visitor Centre. Create your own art piece with the De Montfort University art gallery, get your biked checked for free, and find out more about cycling skills with British Cycling.

Open Streets is just one part of the city centre events on offer this weekend, with a range of Summer In the City activities also taking place, including a street art festival. There will also be a craft beer festival on Green Dragon Square.

To find out more, visit
