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Personal travel planning scheme aims to highlight sustainable options

Published on Tuesday, August 24, 2021

1 minute read

Cycling sign

PEOPLE in parts of Leicester are being invited to take part in personal travel planning as part an ongoing scheme to help boost sustainable travel.

Around 11,000 residents living in Highfields, Spinney Hills and St Matthews will receive postcards providing information how to sign up to incentives and offers. The postcard will also direct people to an online survey about their current travel habits and help people find out about local transport options.

Leicester City Council hopes the scheme will encourage more people to reduce their car journeys and use more sustainable forms of transport, including walking, cycling and taking the bus, to get to work, education, leisure facilties and the shops.

All participants will be given access to a tailored online travel pack providing details of a wide range of local travel options. Paper versions are also available on request.

The information includes advice on walking, cycling training and public transport options, maps and guides, information on electric bikes and cars, along with incentives including a reward scheme (BetterPoints) and entry to a prize draw.

Personalised travel planning appointments with a trained advisor will also be available over the next few weeks. People will be asked about their travel patterns and given information and advice about alternative options, such as walking, cycling and public transport as well as tips on smart driving and car sharing.

Deputy city mayor Cllr Adam Clarke, who leads on environment and transport, said: “By offering personal travel planning we can help give people more choice about how they get around and highlight some of the new and different methods of sustainable transport available in the city and hopefully encourage people to adopt cleaner, greener travel options. This should help tackle congestion, encourage active travel and help people save money.”

The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund.

The personal travel plans form part of the councils’ Choose How You Move campaign. For more details