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City Mayor pays tribute to popular city councillor

Published on Friday, December 3, 2021

1 minute read

Cllr Ratilal Govind

TRIBUTES have been paid to Cllr Ratilal Govind, who has passed away.

He had been suffering from cancer and died yesterday (2 December).

Councillor Govind was elected to the city council in May 2015, representing Evington ward. He was successfully re-elected in 2019.

He was the vice-chair of the council’s Overview Select Committee, a post he had held for a number of years, and he was also involved in a number of scrutiny commissions and committees, including Neighbourhoods, Adult Social Care and Planning & Development.

Prior to his election, he was actively involved in the Belgrave area, lobbying the council on traffic and highways issues in a bid to improve the area for the local community.

City Mayor Peter Soulsby said: “I was very sad to hear of the passing of Ratilal Govind.

“He was a really effective, hardworking and dedicated ward councillor, and there will be many people in Leicester who have much to thank him for. He was committed to serving the public and doing what he could to make a difference.

“On a personal level, I’ll greatly miss his enthusiasm and friendship. My thoughts are with his family and friends at this sad time.”