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Grants on offer to pubs affected by lockdown closure

Published on Wednesday, January 27, 2021

1 minute read

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PUBS whose income doesn’t largely depend upon food sales have until the end of January to take advantage of additional financial help on offer, joining over 70 city pubs that have already received funding.

Leicester City Council is administering the grants for so-called ‘wet pubs’, which focus mostly on serving drinks rather than offering food.

The one-off £1,000 Government grants are aimed at helping pubs whose trade was hit over the Christmas period.

The Government has set a closing date of January 31 for eligible businesses to apply for the funding, which is one of the grants made available through the city council to help firms whose business has been badly affected by the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions.

To be eligible for the grant, pubs must under normal circumstances (without local or national restrictions) be open to the general public, allow free entry other than when occasional entertainment is provided, allow drinking without requiring food to be consumed and permit drinks to be purchased at a bar.

Pubs must also get less than half of their income from food sales. More information and full eligibility conditions are available at Leicester City Council’s website, which also contains other help and advice for businesses.

For full details visit here.

