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Reminder to apply for a school place before 15 January deadline

Published on Tuesday, January 12, 2021

1 minute read


PARENTS and carers of children who will be starting full-time school in Leicester this autumn are being reminded to apply for a place before Friday’s deadline.

Applications for a place at an infant or primary school for children born between 1 September 2016 and 31 August 2017 must be made before midnight on Friday 15 January.

People are reminded that starting at school isn’t an automatic process and children don’t automatically move from nursery to school – parents must ensure they have applied for a school place for their child.

Cllr Elly Cutkelvin, assistant city mayor responsible for education, said: “Applying on time gives you the best chance of getting your child in to one of your preferred schools, so it’s very important that families apply before the deadline.

“All applications must be made online, and all the information needed to apply can be found on our website – but help is available for anyone who’s having difficulty with their application.”

Parents are advised to use all four preferences when applying for a place to maximise their chances of securing a place at one of their preferred schools.

Anyone needing help with their application can contact the Choice Advice Service on 0116 482 0862. This is an independent service that can guide parents through the admissions process. People can also ask for assistance by contacting the city council’s admissions team on 0116 454 1009 (option 1) or by email at

To apply for a place at an infant or primary school, and for full information about the admissions process, go to