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Two new rapid coronavirus testing sites to open next week

Published on Friday, January 29, 2021

2 minute read

Rapid testing centre in Leicester

TWO new walk-in centres that will offer rapid coronavirus testing to workers who have no symptoms of the virus are set to open in Leicester next week.

The testing centres will open at the Eyres Monsell community centre on Hillsborough Road on Monday (1 February) and at the Adult Education College on Belvoir Street on Friday 5 February – joining the rapid testing facilities that are already open at the city’s Fosse and Coleman neighbourhood centres.

With around one in three people with coronavirus having no symptoms, it’s essential that those who have to go out to work are regularly tested so that they aren’t unwittingly spreading the virus as they carry out their essential duties. On average, one in 25 tests carried out in Leicester’s rapid testing centres proves to be positive.

“Even if you have no symptoms, you could still be spreading the virus – and a mild, or imperceptible, illness for you could be a life-threatening disease for someone else,” said Leicester’s director of public health, Professor Ivan Browne.

“That’s why we’re encouraging people who can’t work from home to get tested at our walk-in centres. By coming forward for a test, you’ll be helping us to track down the virus and stop it from being passed on. And if you test positive, it’s really important that you self-isolate for 10 days, and that your close contacts self-isolate too. That’s the only way we’ll be able to break the chain of transmission.”

The lateral flow tests are self-administered, with staff on hand to offer guidance, and are a simple swab of the throat and the nose. Test results are available within an hour and those who can’t work from home can get tested twice a week.

Opening hours at all the city’s rapid testing centres are from 9am to 8pm from Monday to Friday, and from 10am until 5pm on Saturday and Sunday.

More information about rapid testing for anyone who can’t work from home is available at

The city council is planning to open two further walk-in rapid testing sites around Leicester to make it even easier for key workers with no symptoms to get regular tests. Details will be announced in due course.

People with symptoms of coronavirus should NOT go to any of the rapid testing centres. Instead, they should stay at home and book a test online or by calling 119.

Anyone with symptoms, or who tests positive for coronavirus, must not leave their home for 10 days. Other members of their household must stay at home for 10 days too, and anyone who’s told that they’ve been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus must not leave their home for 10 days either.

Coronavirus cases in Leicester are higher than the national average, with the latest figures showing a 7-day rate of 541.2 per 100,000.

People are reminded that they must continue to stay at home as much as possible, observe social distancing rules when they have to go out, wear a face mask where required, and wash their hands regularly throughout the day.



Rapid testing facilities for key workers with no symptoms are/will be available at the following locations:

Fosse Neighbourhood Centre (Mantle Road LE3 5HG); Coleman Neighbourhood Centre (Balderstone Close LE5 4ES); (From Monday 1 Feb) Eyres Monsell Community Centre (Hillsborough Rd, LE2 9PQ); (From Friday 5 Feb) Adult Education College (Belvoir Street, LE1 6QL)

Opening hours are 9am to 8pm Monday to Friday, and 10am to 5pm on Saturday and Sunday.