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Council explores potential uses of Haymarket Theatre

Entrance sign to haymarket Theatre

POTENTIAL future uses for Leicester’s Haymarket Theatre are being explored by the city council.

The council is giving organisations the chance to set out their proposed uses for the 902-seat theatre, which has been closed since the previous operator went into administration last May.

The council wants to gather information that will enable it to compare available options, which can then be used to inform the next steps to be taken.

This follows consultation with the city’s cultural organisations, carried out in partnership with Arts Council England, and significant local interest in reopening the theatre.

Cllr Piara Singh-Clair, deputy city mayor for culture, leisure and sport, said: “We want the Haymarket Theatre to be part of the city’s future, and remain confident of finding a way to successfully reopen and operate the venue sustainably.

“We’re completely open to what any future use might be, and have already had some interesting ideas. We want to give any interested party a fair and equal opportunity to express their view, so would love to hear from organisations in any field that feel they could operate it viably.”

Anyone interested is being asked to complete a questionnaire setting out their suggested uses, which can be found here.

The deadline for completed questionnaires is 18 August.