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Join in the fun at Open Streets and Bike Fest

A graphic to illustrate Open Streets

FREE events that make the most of Leicester’s people-friendly streets and spaces will be on offer in Leicester this weekend.

Open Streets takes place on the last Sunday of the month from June to October, and features walks, bike rides, music and street activities for a mini-festival of fun designed to show how easy it is to cycle or walk around Leicester.

This Sunday’s Open Streets will include a led bike ride based on the Leicester version of Monopoly, free cycle safety checks from Dr Bike, and Go-Ride coaching for youngsters from British Cycling.

There will also be bicycle-based craft activities from Sustrans and the chance to create your own art piece thanks to the De Montfort University art gallery. Music will come from Sambando, Leicester’s community samba band.

Events take place from 1-4pm and are based around the Greyfriars area of the city centre, with a focal point on Green Dragon Square – where you will also find the amazing Architects of Air luminarium – an immersive labyrinthine art installation full of colour, shapes and sounds. (Open Streets events are free and you can just turn up, but admission fees apply for the luminarium).

Summer cycling fun will also be on offer on Saturday 31 July at Leicester Cycle Circuit, where another monthly mini-festival is taking place.

Bike Fest takes place from 1-4pm on the last Saturday of every month, offering traffic-free cycling at Leicester Cycle Circuit, a purpose-built track at New College. There will be balance bikes and adapted bikes available for visitors to try out, the chance to try out the Santander Cycles Leicester e-bike share scheme, plus coaching and skills training for cyclists aged 5-16, as well as games and free basic bike servicing.

To find out more, visit
