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Sign up for summer learning at Bishopdale Adult Learning Hub


A WARM and welcoming place where people can meet and learn new skills is reopening in Leicester next week.

Bishopdale Adult Learning Hub in Beaumont Leys will be offering a number of have-a-go sessions for adults in a range of subjects.

On Monday (19 July), people will be able to have a go at pottery, try their hand at painting in the Cubist style, or find out more about online learning as part of the Summer@Bishopdale programme.

A further day of activities for adults will run on Monday 26 July, with the chance to have a go at origami or join an art workshop.

Sessions on both days will run in the morning and again in the afternoon.

Families will get a warm welcome at Bishopdale on Tuesday 20 July and Tuesday 27 July, when there will be lots of fun activities to enjoy together, including music, story-telling and crafts. Aimed at families with children aged 3-7, the Family Fun Days run from 10am to 3pm.

All activities are free of charge, but places on the adult activity sessions, and the Family Fun Days, must be booked in advance by calling 0116 454 1900.

There’s an opportunity for people to find out about all the courses on offer at Bishopdale, and at other sites across the city, at an open day on Thursday 29 July.

Would-be learners can drop in any time between 10am and 3pm to have a look round, talk to the tutors, have a go at pottery, and enrol on a course.

From September, Bishopdale’s programme of adult learning courses will resume, with courses in English, maths, ESOL, arts, pottery and languages on offer. There are also courses on wellbeing, as well as sessions that will equip students with the essential skills they need for the workplace.

The Bishopdale Adult Learning Hub was formally opened in January 2020 – just weeks before the COVID pandemic forced it to close. The city council transformed a former nursery on Bishopdale Road to create the hub, giving local people access to courses that would help prepare them for the workplace and improve their skills.

The hub is also home to the Fosse Arts project and includes arts facilities, workshop spaces, potters’ wheels and kilns.

Anybody enrolling on a course at the Bishopdale hub will also be able to access individual careers advice and support to find employment or progress to further and higher education.

More details about Summer@Bishopdale, and the courses on offer at the Bishopdale Adult Learning Hub, are available at

People can also call 0116 454 1900 for information about learning opportunities for adults and the Leicester Adult Skills and Learning Service (LASALS).