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Improvement work at busy city junction

Published on Friday, October 29, 2021

1 minute read


TRAFFIC restrictions will be in place at a junction on a busy main road in Leicester for up to four weeks for a highway improvement scheme.

Work is being carried out on a short stretch of the A6 St Margaret’s Way, close to its junction with Ravensbridge Drive, from Monday 1 November.

The work will involve the removal of a now redundant acceleration lane which runs for a short distance on the outbound lane of the A6 from its junction with Ravensbridge Drive. The junction is now signal-controlled and the acceleration lane is no longer required.

The space will be used for new landscaping and improved footpaths.

During the works, which will take up to four weeks to complete, the left turn from Ravensbridge Drive onto St Margaret’s Way will be closed to traffic. Well-signed diversions will be in place.

The scheme will require an overnight closure of part of St Margaret’s Way for resurfacing. Details will be publicised nearer the time.

This is part of a wider programme of improvements planned for the A6 St Margaret’s Way and Abbey Park Road.