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City bin collections to start an hour earlier to help beat the heat

Bins and recycling

With soaring temperatures predicted in the coming days, Leicester City Council is asking people to put their recycling and waste earlier than normal this week.

Residents across the city are asked to make sure their wheelie bins and orange bags are ready for collection by 6am, from Wednesday (10 Aug) to Friday (12 Aug).

This will help give Biffa’s collection crews more time to complete their rounds in the cooler morning temperatures.

A Leicester City Council spokesperson said: “Biffa’s collection crews do a brilliant job in often challenging circumstances. With some very hot temperatures expected again this week, it’s important that we do our bit to help out.

“In this case, we’re asking people to remember to put their orange bags and bins out the night before collection day to make sure they are ready for the crews from 6am.”

The household waste recycling centres at Gypsum Close and Freemen's Common will be open from 8am until 8pm as normal.

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