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Residential streets to benefit from two new one-way systems

Published on Thursday, February 24, 2022

1 minute read

Image of parked cars

A NEW one-way traffic system is due to be brought in on several streets in parts of the city’s Wycliffe and Spinney Hills wards next month.

The schemes are being introduced in the two areas following concerns from residents about traffic congestion and parking problems.

In the city’s Wycliffe ward, Keythorpe Street will become one-way in a northerly direction, while Maynard Road and Wilson Street will both become one-way in a southerly direction.

The Keythorpe Street scheme fits in with the existing one-way system in nearby Maidstone Road.  Parts of the route are already home to traffic-calming measures such as speed tables and build-outs to cut traffic speeds.

At the same time, a section of Nansen Road between Gwendolen Road and Ethel Road, in Spinney Hills, will become one-way to traffic going in a south-westerly direction.

The new measures will come into effect at both sites from Monday, March 7. Signs and road markings have been put in place over the last week or so, along with new traffic calming measures in Nansen Road.

In total the work will cost of about £20k, and forms part of a £400k Local Environmental Works programme aimed at improving safety and addressing local neighbourhood traffic and parking issues.

While motor vehicle traffic will only be moving in one direction, cyclists will still be able to travel against the one-way traffic flow.

Leicester assistant city mayor for neighbourhoods, Cllr Kirk Master, said: “We’re bringing in these measures in response to local concerns over road safety and availability of parking.

“These residential streets are often too narrow to enable two way traffic when cars are parked there, so the one-way system should mean an improvement in traffic flow, a reduction in driver conflicts and congestion, and less chance of damage being caused to park cars.”
