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Action to bring empty home back into use

Published on Thursday, March 17, 2022

2 minute read

15 Gleneagles Avenue

A HOUSE that has have stood empty for over 12 years is set to be brought back into use.

Leicester City Council plans to make a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) on a property at 15 Gleneagles Avenue, Rushey Mead, which has stood empty since 2010.

The 3-bedroom semi-detached house is now in a rundown condition and numerous complaints have been made by neighbours about the detrimental impact this is having on the street and nearby homes.

The city council has made numerous attempts to contact the owner of the property to encourage them to carry necessary improvement works. However, no action has been taken by the owners and the house remains unimproved and uninhabitable. Now, the city council will move to use its CPO powers to acquire the property and bring it back into use as a home.

Cllr Elly Cutkelvin, assistant city mayor for housing, said: "We only consider Compulsory Purchase Orders as a last resort, preferring to work with homeowners wherever we can.

“However, when a house has been empty and neglected for a long time, it can become an eyesore and create problems for neighbours.

"It’s important that we take action to bring such properties back into use to address the detrimental impact they can have on neighbouring house. The work of our empty homes team also plays a really important role in helping to boost the number of much-needed homes we have available in the city."

The city council’s empty homes team helps to bring an average of 200 vacant houses back into use in a typical year.

The estimated market value of the property at 15 Gleneagles Avenue is in the region of £130,000.

Leicester City Council will cover its purchase costs by selling the houses to new owners, who must undertake to bring the property back into use within two years.

All local authorities must comply with Government guidance when acquiring a property by means of compulsory purchase order.

Leicester City Council’s empty homes team will work with owners to bring houses that have been vacant for 18 months or more back into use. They offer owners advice, support and guidance about various options for the property.

In extreme cases where the owner chooses not to work with the team, or if an owner cannot be found, a compulsory purchase order will be considered as a last resort.


You can report a vacant property by emailing the empty homes team at