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Jobseeking help in libraries extended

Picture shows (l-r): Kevin Moore (customer); Jay Adatia (Jobcentre Plus Work Coach) and Angela Redfern (Beaumont Leys Library Manager)

JOBSEEKERS looking for help finding employment can now benefit from specialist advice at Braunstone’s Brite Centre library.

Leicester Jobcentre Plus and Leicester City Council are working in partnership to place specialist work coaches in seven city libraries, with the launch of a work coach in Braunstone’s Brite Centre from 25 February. Work coaches offer help finding jobs, training and support for people who might be facing multiple barriers to employment.  

The work coach service will be available in the Brite Centre every Friday, from 10am to 1pm. To make an appointment, call the library on 0116 299 5476.

The work coach service is already having very positive results. Beaumont Leys library customer Kevin Moore was referred to Jobcentre work coach Jay Adatia in November 2021 by library staff, advising that he needed some help with online job applications.

Mr Moore explained: “At that time, I was on Universal Credit, and whilst I had previous work experience in security, I wasn’t particularly confident in my computer skills, which put me off some job applications.

“Jay referred me for extra support and on a follow-up appointment she identified a job offer in my spam emails, something I clearly missed!”

Jay explained the job offer was based on the condition that Mr Moore would complete online job training, an induction and upload all relevant ID, which Mr Moore would have previously found daunting. However, he was supported by Jay to improve his IT skills.

He added: “With Jay’s support and liaison with the employer, I was successful in gaining a full-time position as a security guard. Without Jay being in the library, giving me that support, who knows where I would be now. I’ve started 2022 with a fresh start and lots to look forward to. I would like to thank both Jay and the library staff for their support.”

Cllr Kirk Master, assistant city mayor responsible for neighbourhood services, said: “We know how much people value being able to access the support they need in their neighbourhoods, which is why libraries are the perfect venue for work coaches to be based. It’s great to hear the success stories coming out of this partnership.”

Paul Gisbey, DWP service leader for Leicestershire & Northamptonshire, said: “Reaching out to our local communities and undertaking outreach services in local libraries is proving such a valuable service. Working in the community supports some of our most vulnerable customers, and I know it makes a difference to the people looking for work and seeking support. We very much value our partnership with Leicester City Council on this and other initiatives to support local economic recovery.”

As well as work coach sessions at the Brite Centre on Fridays, work coaches are also available at:

  • St Barnabas Library: Wednesdays 10am-1pm.   Tel: 0116 299 5450
  • Beaumont Leys Library: Wednesdays 1pm-4pm. Tel: 0116 299 5460
  • Pork Pie Library: Thursdays 10am-1pm. Tel: 0116 299 5480
  • New Parks Library: Thursdays 10.30am-1pm. Tel: 0116 229 8200
  • St Matthews Centre: Fridays 9.30am-12.30pm. Tel: 0116 222 1045
  • Highfields Library: Tuesdays 11am-2pm. Tel: 0116 299 5494

The services are by appointment only. Anyone who wants to make an appointment can call on the numbers above, or talk to a staff member at the library.

Translation services, British Sign Language and hearing loops can be made available where required.



Picture shows (l-r): Kevin Moore (customer); Jay Adatia (Jobcentre Plus Work Coach) and Angela Redfern (Beaumont Leys Library Manager)