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Join jobs fair at the Highfields Centre

A woman talking to a jobseeker at a jobs fair

PEOPLE who want to find out more about local jobs and training opportunities can call in at a free jobs fair taking place at the Highfields Centre next week.

More than 30 local employers and organisations will be represented at the event, which is open to everyone and has been organised by the city council’s Leicester Employment Hub. The hub works with employers and jobseekers in the city and county, and has set up the event in partnership with Job Centre Plus, the Highfields Centre, FAB-L and others.

The event will run from 10am to 4pm on Tuesday 11 October at the centre at 96 Melbourne Road.

Cllr Danny Myers, Leicester City Council’s assistant city mayor for jobs and skills, said: “This jobs fair will give people the chance to talk directly to a wide range of local employers as well as organisations that can provide support with job applications, training and financial help to get to work.

“As the cost of living rises for us all, it’s more important than ever that we hold events like these to make sure everyone in Leicester knows about the options that are open to them. Our employment hub can provide support for people who are looking for work or want to boost their skills.”

Aiyub Zamakda from the Highfields Centre said: “As modern recruitment methods have changed and moved increasingly to online applications, many local people may not be aware of the full range of opportunities that are available with large and small employers locally. The jobs fair will bridge that gap, bringing employers and job seekers together with a view to supporting local people into jobs or training opportunities.”

Local employers attending the event include Squire Alarms, Leicester Bakery, Gaffco, Leicester College, Tesco and Lidl. Also present will be Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service, NHS representatives, Leicester City Football Club and the city council.  

Vacancies will be on offer in a range of areas, including business administration, warehousing, adult social care, sports-related work, textiles and food production.

Support services and training providers will also be at the event, including Leicester Adult Education College, The Prince’s Trust, Leicester Construction Hub, Moneywise and the Wheels to Work scheme.

Jobcentre staff will be present on the day to support people with job searches, training and for those with complex needs. All jobseekers and those looking to improve their career prospects are encouraged to attend and take advantage of the support available.

Paul Gisbey, DWP Service Leader for Leicestershire and Northamptonshire, said: “Reaching out to our local communities is proving such a valuable service. Working in the community supports some of our most vulnerable customers, which I know makes a big difference to people looking for work and seeking support. We very much value our partnership with Leicester City Council’s Employment Hub and the local services supporting this event.

“Employers are welcome to advertise their vacancies with the Jobcentre, and hold jobs fairs at our offices.”

Veronika Quintyne, Diversity Community Engagement Officer at Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service, said: “It is important for us to attend events like this one, so that we can promote the diversity we wish to see reflected in our service, and ensure we further decrease under-representation of groups in our workforce, especially in terms of female, BAME, disabled and LGBTQ plus people.

“The vacancies we are trying to fill include both firefighting roles and support staff - for example HR assistants and community development roles. This jobs fair gives us a chance to directly recruit to new operational posts, and will allow us to better engage with local people.”

For more information on Leicester Employment Hub, visit
