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New 20mph set for Leicester’s Gilmorton estate

Published on Thursday, October 13, 2022

2 minute read

20mph zone street sign

MORE than a dozen residential streets are due to be included in a new 20mph zone adjoining an area where speed restrictions and traffic calming are already in place.

The new scheme, in the city’s Gilmorton estate, will connect to streets in neighbouring Glen Parva where a 20mph zones are already in place.

Approval has now been given for a 20mph zone which includes Highgrove Crescent, Buckingham Drive and Althorp Close to the north of Soar Valley Way.

South of the outer ring road, the scheme include Fontwell Drive, Keenan Close, Gilmorton Avenue, Aldeby Close, Bridgemere Close, Rushton Drive, Gilmorton Close and Hopyard Close, as well as Kings Lock Close, Holts Close, Lockhouse Close, Gees Lock Close and Amanda Road.

To the east of Lutterworth Road, Victors Close is also included.

New speed cushions will be installed at five locations along Gilmorton Avenue, along with a full-width speed hump near to the adjoining playground.

Detailed work on drawing up the scheme will now be done, with a view to it being installed in January 2023. It will cost around £38,000, funded through the Transport Improvement Works budget from Leicester City Council’s capital programme.

The Gilmorton 20mph is the latest in a series of traffic-calming and speed-reduction measures introduced in communities across the city where residents have called for them. In addition to boosting road safety, they are designed to help encourage more people to choose walking or cycling over car use, reducing congestion, lowering emissions and improving air quality.

Furthermore, the City Cycle Action Plan sets out 20mph zones as a strategic priority to meet its target of doubling every day cycling numbers by 2024.

Leicester’s deputy city mayor for transportation, clean air and climate emergency, Cllr Adam Clarke, is also an Aylestone ward councillor.

He said: “20mph zones have been shown to have multiple benefits in Leicester and beyond. They can reduce collision injuries, fuel consumption and carbon emissions. They can also increase walking and cycling and clean the air of pollutants that are harmful to our health. 

“Continuing our rollout of 20mph zones on residential streets, covering the Gilmorton estate in Aylestone ward, helps to make the whole city safer, greener and genuinely a better place to live."
