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Open day offers advice about fast track to university

Published on Tuesday, September 20, 2022

2 minute read


PEOPLE who are interested in studying at university but who don’t yet have the entry qualifications can find out about alternatives routes at an open day later this week.

Leicester Adult Education College, in Belvoir Street, is holding the open day to help people to find out more about their popular Access to Higher Education courses. It will offer an introduction to courses that can offer a fast track for people who have been out of education for some time and have few or no formal qualifications.

The access course fully prepares students for university study, providing enough UCAS points to replace the traditional A level entry requirements and offering support to make university choices.

Access diplomas are offered in social sciences and businesses studies and previous students have received university offers on courses ranging from accountancy, counselling and sports coaching to criminology, psychology and law. A pre-diploma access course is also offered for those not quite ready for Level 3 who want to brush up their writing and study skills. It will offer a taste of business and sociology to help decide which is the best course to go on to.

Rebekah Stevenson, curriculum co-ordinator at Leicester Adult Education College, said: “The access courses we offer are a great way to learn alongside other adult students and get the skills, confidence and qualifications needed to prepare for a successful next step into university education.”

“Our open days are a great way to get a taste of the courses and subjects available, hear from staff and students and find out more and funding and fees.”

The final open day this year at the college is on Thursday 24 September, 10am-2pm, and the courses begin later this month.

Anyone interested in beginning an Access to Higher Education course will be invited to undertake an informal assessment to help decide which course is most suitable. This must be booked in advance and will take up to one hour.

Alternative arrangements can be made for anyone unable to attend the planned session.

Katie O’Meara, from Braunstone, studied an Access to Higher Education course. At the end of the course, she said: “Before enrolling on the course last September, I had no career ambitions and I never in my wildest dreams thought that I would be going to university.

“The support I had was amazing. I have recently received university offers for each course I applied for and my firm choice has been accepted. I now know what career I want to go into and my focus is set for my future. I would definitely recommend the Access to Higher Education course as it could be the start of a new chapter.”

For more information, or to make a booking, visit

Alternatively, call Leicester Adult Skills and Learning Service on 0116 454 1900 or email