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Reminder to recycle eggs-tra Easter waste

Easter eggs

LEICESTER City Council is encouraging residents to recycle all their extra cardboard, plastic and foil packaging, which often builds up over the Easter bank holiday.

Most Easter egg packaging can now be recycled in orange bags or shared recycling bins. Cardboard boxes and plastic moulds can be thrown straight in, while foil wrappers should be collected and scrunched together before being recycled.

Waste and recycling collections will continue as normal in Leicester over Easter, including the bank holidays, so please put your black bin and orange bags out on the usual day.

The Recycling Centres at Freemen’s Common and Gypsum Close will be open to the public from 8am to 8pm, as usual throughout the Easter period.  However, Gypsum Close Trade Waste facility will be closed from Friday 7 April, reopening on Tuesday 11 April.

 For a full list of items that can be recycled locally, as well as advice to help you reduce your Easter waste, visit