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Three neighbourhoods to have their say on proposals for residents’ parking schemes

Published on Monday, February 13, 2023

2 minute read

Cars parked closely together

PEOPLE living in three areas of Leicester are due to be consulted on possible residents’ parking schemes in their communities.

Leicester City Council is asking people living in parts of Stoneygate, Aylestone and around Woodgate for their views on proposals which have been drawn up to tackle parking problems.

The designs for residents’ parking schemes have been drafted up in response to concerns raised by residents and ward councillors over parking problems in these areas.

Initial engagement work with residents showed strong support for parking controls to be brought in. Now detailed proposals for each site have been drawn up for residents and businesses in the areas to say whether or not they support the plans, so that a decision can be made on whether to implement them.

A series of drop-in exhibitions will also be taking place during the consultation to give residents and businesses the chance to find out more.

In both Stoneygate and Woodgate, concerns were raised over the number of commuters using the streets for free all-day parking, as well as business vehicles taking up residents’ parking spaces.

In Aylestone, problems concerned match day parking by people visiting either the King Power Stadium or Leicestershire County Cricket Club at Grace Road.

The consultations will take place as follows:

Woodgate – February 13 until March 20

Aylestone – February 20 to March 20

Stoneygate – February 21 to March 21

In both Woodgate and Stoneygate, residents favoured a scheme which would operation 24/7, with short-term parking provided close to shops and businesses.

In Aylestone, proposals have been drawn up for a residents’ parking zone which could operate daily from 1pm to 9pm, to prevent residential streets being used for free event parking.

As part of that scheme, a number of loading only and short-term parking areas are also proposed to cater for businesses in the area. Residents are also being given the chance to say whether they support plans to make a number of streets one-way, to increase the amount of available safe parking while reducing through traffic.

Details of the designs, road maps of the areas involved and details of how to take part in the consultations are being sent to all residents in the area to ensure they can have their say on the plans.

Leicester deputy city mayor for transport, climate emergency and clean air, Cllr Adam Clarke, said: “The ward councillors in these three areas have committed to address residents’ concerns over parking problems.

“We’ve carried out initial consultation work to gauge the level of support for residents’ parking schemes, and now this is a chance to give their views on the designs we’ve drawn up looking at how that can best be achieved, which streets to include and what provisions to make for short-term visitor parking, to ensure local businesses don’t suffer.

“We are also making provisions for business and staff parking, and in the case of Aylestone, putting forward proposals for a number of one-way streets to further reduce the flow of through traffic and to increase the amount of safe parking.

“We want to ensure everyone in the areas involved has the opportunity to get involved, have a say and tell us whether they want to see these schemes brought in.”

The consultations for Stoneygate, Woodgate and Aylestone can each be found online here.

Paper copies of the questionnaire and frequently asked questions are also being sent to households involved.
