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New council team set up to help tenants

Members of the city council's new antisocial behaviour team

HOUSING tenants are now able to report any concerns about antisocial behaviour to dedicated new team which has been set up to help.

Leicester City Council’s new Antisocial Behaviour Team has been launched as a way to make it easier for tenants to report problems, and to provide a specialist service aimed at investigating and resolving problems.

It forms part of the council’s community safety service and has close links with its crime and antisocial behaviour unit (CRASBU), along with the police and housing services.

The team is based in the city centre but also travels to local community libraries and works alongside other housing staff in neighbourhoods.

Tenants will still be able to report antisocial behaviour to their housing officers, but cases will be investigated by the new dedicated antisocial behaviour team.

Leicester assistant city mayor for housing and neighbourhoods, Cllr Elly Cutkelvin, said: “Until now, reports of problems such as low-level antisocial behaviour have been investigated by our housing officers, but we realised that a more dedicated and specialist service would be helpful.

“The new team works closely with housing officers to share local knowledge and to help provide the best local service to our tenants. Officers have also had specialist training and be able to support people with mental health needs. 

“Overall this team will make it easier to focus on resolving antisocial behaviour problems, while freeing up housing officers to support council tenants with other pressing housing issues.”

Anyone with concerns about antisocial behaviour in their area can report it to their local housing officer or the new Antisocial Behaviour Team at or on 0116 454 0250.
