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Have your say over road safety scheme

Published on Thursday, March 16, 2023

2 minute read

The area of Narborough Road involved in the safety scheme

PEOPLE living near Narborough Road are to be consulted over proposals to improve road safety at an accident blackspot.

Between January 2017 and December 2021, 25 people were hurt in road traffic accidents on the section of the road between its junctions with Noel Street and the Ashleigh Road/Stuart Street junction.

The main dangers involve cars turning right across city-bound traffic to get into the Shell filling station, as well as numerous accidents at the busy crossroads of Ashleigh Road and Stuart Street.

Leicester City Council has drawn up proposals to improve safety at both sites and is giving residents the chance to say whether they agree.

Keep clear markings outside the filling station would be replaced with a larger new yellow box junction to keep the area free of stationary traffic and improve visibility for turning vehicles.

Both Ashleigh Road and Stuart Street would be made one way in the direction of Narborough Road, to reduce the number of vehicles turning across traffic. The existing yellow box marking would altered, again to improve visibility between inbound drivers and traffic turning out of the side roads.

Footway buildouts would be added to slow traffic speeds and reduce crossing distances for pedestrians.

Letters outlining the proposed changes, and how to take part in the consultation, will be sent to nearby households and business. People will also be able to find out more and take part online at Leicester City Council’s consultations page.

Leicester deputy city mayor for transport, clean air and climate emergency, Cllr Adam Clarke, said: “This section of Narborough Road is very busy due to the numbers of vehicles turning in and out of the side roads and also those turning across the traffic to access the filling station.

“The designs that we’ve drawn up would improve visibility by installing yellow box markings to keep those junctions free of stationary traffic and making Ashleigh Road and Stuart Street one way would cut the number of vehicles trying to turn across traffic as well as making those junctions safer for pedestrians and other road users.

“We want to know whether people in the area support these proposals, to make sure they address the issues in the best way.”

The consultation runs until April 11, 2023.

To take part online visit here
