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Melton Road resurfacing to take place over Easter break

Road signs

RESURFACING work is due to be carried out on a section of one of the busiest routes into Leicester from this weekend.

The work will see local temporary closures and traffic diversions put in place on parts of Melton Road to enable the road surfacing to take place.

It will be done in two phases, focusing on the inbound carriageway first, before moving to the outbound part of the road. Work is being done during the school Easter holidays when there is less traffic on the road.

From Saturday, April 1, until Thursday, April 6, resurfacing work is taking place on Melton Road inbound, between Troon Way and Sandringham Avenue. The section of road will be closed to through traffic during this period, except when one lane will briefly be open overnight on the Wednesday.

During the work, the existing one-way restriction on Hardy’s Avenue will be suspended to allow access to residents. All inbound traffic will be diverted via Watermead Way, Red Hill Circle, the A6 Abbey Lane, Abbey Park Road and Belgrave Road.

From Wednesday, April 5 until Wednesday, April 12, work moves to Melton Road outbound, focusing on the Lanesborough Road roundabout.

The road will be closed each evening from 7pm to 6am while the outbound resurfacing is being carried out, although the road will reopen between Good Friday and Easter Monday when work pauses for Easter.

Inbound traffic will temporarily be diverted into the existing bus lane, with outbound traffic diverted via Checketts Road, Loughborough Road, Red Hill Circle and Watermead Way.

Traffic marshals will be on site to help drivers and ensure residents can get access.

In addition there will be evening closures affecting the inbound bus lane on Thursday, April 13, and Friday, April 14, between 5pm and 10pm.

In total the work will see over 6,860 square metres of carriageway resurfaced, at a cost of around £225k, divided between the city council’s Capital Maintenance programme (£75k) and the Transforming Cities Fund (£150k).

Leicester City Council’s director of city highways, Martin Fletcher, said: “Melton Road is a major route in and out of the north of the city, but in order to do this work safely we need to close sections of it temporarily.

“We’re doing this during the school holidays to make the most of the reduced amount of traffic and have put in place diversions and also access for residents.

“Unfortunately repair work like this is unavoidable in order to keep the city’s streets in good condition to cope with modern-day demands.”

Details of all local traffic and travel is available from Area Traffic Control on @ATCLeicester
