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Free event to celebrate work of urban nature project

Children involved withe Urban Nature project

A COMMUNITY project that aims to bring nature back to urban spaces will be holding a celebration event later this month.

Leicester’s Urban Nature Project is led by the city council’s sustainable schools team and is funded by WWF and Airwick – working together to restore UK wildflower habitats.

The project has worked with six local schools to increase wildlife habitats in their grounds with new wildflower planters, bird and bat boxes, hedgehog houses and bug hotels.

Now the team are inviting people to join them at a free celebration event on Saturday 20 May at Highfields Adventure Playground, Spinney Hill Park.

The event runs from 11am to 3pm with lots of activities including face-painting, wildflower seed bomb sessions, a nature trail and a chance to get inspired by bees during a card-making session led by local artist Sally Stephens, from Leicester Print Workshop.

There will also be information stalls offering advice from a range of local organisations and volunteer to help people get more involved in their local environment and live more sustainably.

Laura Barke, Leicester City Council sustainable schools project officer said: “Our work over the past six months has introduced students to the importance of engaging with, and protecting, nature around them. We are really pleased to see so many young people enjoying being outdoors and helping to making their school grounds more friendly for nature.

“The event is a fantastic way to celebrate the work that has already taken place and to share the importance of bringing nature back to our city with the local community.”

For more information or to get involved email