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New 20mph zone begins in city’s Western ward

20mph road sign

WORK is complete on a new 20mph zone in a residential area near a school in a Leicester neighbourhood.

The 20mph scheme has been introduced in the streets around Ainsdale Road, in the Western ward – the latest in a rolling citywide programme of road safety work aimed at cutting vehicle speeds, reducing accidents and encouraging more people to walk and cycle instead.

It extends the existing 20mph covering the streets near Dovelands Primary School, to include a number of residential streets to the south of Hinckley Road – Ainsdale Road, Dorchester Road, Kingswood Avenue, Frampton Avenue and Oakthorpe Avenue.

As part of the scheme, a new speed hump has been installed on Kingswood Avenue near its junction with Hinckley Road.

In all the scheme has cost around £60,000 and is funded from Leicester City Council’s Transport Improvement Works budget.

The scheme came into effect on Monday, May 15.

Leicester deputy city mayor for transportation, climate emergency and clean air, Cllr Adam Clarke, said: “This work followed consultation with local residents, which clearly showed support for a scheme to cut traffic speeds in these residential streets close to Dovelands Primary School.

“The surrounding streets also get very busy at school pick-up and drop-off times, which further increases the risk to pedestrians and other road users.

“By extending the scheme already in place to the north of Hinckley Road, we are helping to make streets across this neighbourhood safer for everyone.”
