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Resurfacing work ahead at busy Abbey Lane junction

Roadworks signs

THE latest stage of major highway improvements and repair work is due to begin at a busy Leicester junction from later this week.

Leicester City Council is carrying out a range of improvements to the A6 Abbey Lane junction and part of adjoining Beaumont Leys Lane and Corporation Road.

With work now approaching completion, road resurfacing will be carried out from Friday 9 August. This will require a series of road closures for around two-and-a-half weeks, with work phased to help minimise disruption.

The first phase will see part of Abbey Lane – between Sudeley Avenue and Orton Road – including its junction with Beaumont Leys Lane, closed to traffic in its outbound direction only from Friday (9 Aug) to Monday (12 Aug).

Resurfacing work will also begin on Beaumont Leys Lane from Friday (9 Aug). This will require a full closure of the stretch of road between Abbey Lane and Parker Drive for up to ten days.

Abbey Lane is then due to close to traffic in its inbound direction – between Wade Street and Chale Road – including its junction with Corporation Road, from Thursday 15 August until Monday 19 August.

Work will move back onto Beaumont Leys Lane, between Parker Drive and Halifax Drive, once resurfacing at the main Abbey Lane junction is complete. This will require a full closure of this stretch of road including the two junctions.

All resurfacing is expected to be complete by Sunday 25 August.

Well signposted diversions will be in place throughout the works.

Martin Fletcher, Leicester City Council director of highways, said: “Abbey Lane is an important and busy route in and out of the city and that’s why investment in improving the highway and prolonging the life of the carriageway surface is so important.

“We understand that any roadworks cause disruption, but these works are essential to ensure that our roads remain able to handle modern traffic demands for many years to come.

“Well-signposted diversions will be in place, but drivers are advised to expect delays and take an alternative route if possible.”

In total, this latest phase of works will see more than 6,750m2 of road resurfaced on and around this important junction.

The work is the final phase of a major £3million programme of investment in improvements on part of the busy A6, covering St Margaret’s Way and Abbey Lane, backed by Government cash from the Transforming Cities Fund.

Along with resurfacing this important junction, improvements include traffic signal renewal; the extension of the existing cycle lane on Beaumont Leys Lane from Wolsey House Primary School to the Abbey Lane junction; and the creation of a new cycle lane on Corporation Road linking to the Riverside path which leads to Belgrave and the city centre.