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Lamp-posts get colourful upgrade in the Cultural Quarter

Published on Monday, December 9, 2024

1 minute read

Pictured left to right are works by Tazim Hamid, Miriam Bean, Disembodied Legs and Georgia Wilkinson

NEW artwork created by local artists, designers and members of the public is being wrapped around more than 100 lamp-posts in St George's Cultural Quarter. 


The decorative designs - which will also appear on the posts of some road signs in the area - include a colourful work called A Band of Birds and Insects, by Lucy Stevens, and a tape measure design by Stuart Hicking. The Makers' Yard, Curve and Phoenix buildings all feature on some of the designs, as well as more abstract works and print-inspired graphics.


The project aims to support local artists, highlight the area's creative atmosphere and encourage people to talk about the artworks, as well as sharing them on social media.


Assistant city mayor for culture Cllr Vi Dempster said: "This is an exciting opportunity for local talent to make their mark on the Cultural Quarter. These lamp-post and street sign artworks will bring colour and vibrancy to the area. They'll help to build on the Cultural Quarter's strong sense of identity, as well as demonstrating the wide range of artistic talent we have here in Leicester. 


"By highlighting pedestrian routes and linking cultural venues, residents and visitors passing through the Cultural Quarter will recognise that they are in a culturally specific area, where local artists and makers are supported and encouraged to showcase their work.”

Nineteen unique designs have been selected for the project, and a total of 102 posts will be decorated. The designs were chosen by an independent selection panel after an open call to artists and Cultural Quarter organisations earlier this year (July).

For more information on St George’s Cultural Quarter, see


Pictured left to right are works by Tazim Hamid, Miriam Bean, Disembodied Legs and Georgia Wilkinson