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Celebrate social connections at Let’s Get Together Week

Stock image of people walking

PEOPLE are being encouraged to get together at a series of free events at venues across the city including at Leicester’s libraries and community centres next week.

Leicester City Council has teamed up with partners – including The Conservation Volunteers (TCV), Mental Health Matters and Leicester City in the Community – to organise Let’s Get Together Week which offers free activities every day to help people make new social connections.

The activities run from Monday (10 Jun) to Friday (14 Jun) and include guided walks, light exercise, mindfulness sessions, food growing, creative writing, arts and crafts, digital drop-in sessions and a talk on Romans in Leicester.

People can also get involved by signing up to volunteer at our centres and become part of our many regular activities there.

Kate Huszar, programme manager in public health at Leicester City Council, said: “Making social connections is vital for health and wellbeing as they can help to reduce stress and increase feelings of happiness and belonging. Strong social networks also enhance mental well-being and can lower the risk of illness.

“Let’s Get Together Week is about celebrating social connections and showcasing some of the free activities that people can get involved in as part of the city’s regular Let’s Get Together programme which runs all year round.”

Rob Howard, city council director of public health, added: “"It's easy for all of us to sometimes feel isolated or lonely, especially if you are struggling with your physical or mental health. This fantastic range of activities is a great way to have some fun and to have the chance to meet up with others, even if it's just for a natter over a cup of tea. Being with others is great for public health."

Let’s Get Together Week has been organised as part of national Loneliness Awareness Week, an annual campaign created and hosted by charity The Marmalade Trust.

For more details of events taking place in Leicester as part of Let’s Get Together Week, visit