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Cyber incident update: 19 March 2024

city at dusk

LEICESTER City Council is continuing to recover from the cyber incident that led it to shut down its phone lines and IT systems on Thursday 7 March.

Richard Sword, strategic director of city development and neighbourhood services said: “We are making good progress with the recovery of our systems and are now in the process of switching them back online, with housing, adult & children’s social care, and revenues and benefits being prioritised for this week.

“A good majority of staff are also back on the network. We still have work to do to get all of our phone lines fully up and running.

“We’d like to thank people for their patience as this carefully controlled process continues.”

Advice continues to be available at, while a list of emergency phone numbers has been published for those requiring urgent assistance. Those emergency numbers are available here

Answers to some frequently-asked questions about the incident have also been published on the council's website. 

Cyber incidents – which cause significant and ongoing disruption to an organisation’s networks and systems – are increasingly frequent, with many large organisations, including other local authorities, experiencing similar disruption in recent years.

The council said it still could not say if there had been a data breach, and that as criminal investigations were ongoing, it was not able to comment on the nature of the incident.

