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Neighbourhood improvements continue along Narborough Road

Published on Tuesday, March 12, 2024

2 minute read

Roadworks sign

THE NEXT phase in a rolling programme of repairs and improvements to pavements and road surfaces along Narborough Road will get under way this weekend.

Leicester City Council is carrying out the works to spruce up public areas for local businesses and residents, with the latest works focusing on the footways on the outbound section of Narborough Road between Briton Street and Norman Street.

The scheme will involve replacing broken paving slabs with concrete blocks, improving drainage to prevent water from pooling on the pavements, and placing water-permeable resin-bound gravel around the street trees. New bollards will also be installed, as well as new cycle racks, which will help stop vehicles parking on the pavement.

The works, costing £150,000 and funded by the council’s Highways Maintenance Capital Budget, are due to begin on Sunday 17 March and will take around eight weeks to complete.

Waiting restrictions will be in place where work is taking place and some parking bays in nearby Gaul Street will be out of use while they are used for storing essential equipment and materials.

Also taking place from Sunday (17 March) are essential carriageway works on Briton Street, at its junction with Narborough Road.

The £45,000 resurfacing scheme – funded by the Transforming Cities Fund – will take around a week to complete, weather permitting.

To enable the works to be carried out, the junction will be closed to all vehicles and bicycles from Sunday 17 March. Diversion routes will be clearly signed.

Local residents and businesses have received a letter from the city council, informing them of both schemes.

Recent investment in the area has already improved footways on the outbound side of Narborough Road, between its junctions with Ruding Road and Roman Street, and along the section between Upperton Road and Braunstone Gate.

Westcotes ward councillor and deputy city mayor Cllr Sarah Russell said: “Over the last three years, our rolling programme of works have hugely improved Narborough Road for local businesses and residents by replacing broken or uneven paving, removing damaged street furniture and fixing drainage problems.

“This latest scheme will continue to upgrade the area, helping to improve the look and feel of the neighbourhood for everyone.”