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Basketware from global collection goes on display at Leicester Museum

Published on Monday, September 16, 2024

2 minute read

Basketware from Leicester's Dryad Collection

RARELY-seen items from one of Leicester Museum & Art Gallery’s biggest global collections will go on display from Saturday (21 September).

The new exhibition – Dryad Basketry: a Global Collection – will showcase around 40 baskets, books and private correspondence from a collection held by the city’s museums service since 1969.

All 1,800 items in the collection were amassed by Harry Peach – the social reformer who founded the Dryad cane furniture company in Leicester in 1906 and who went on to collect objects from around the world for educational purposes over the next 30 years.

On display at Leicester Museum from Saturday will be baskets from Africa, South-East Asia, America and Europe, all collected by Peach from around 1920-1937 and characterised by bright colours and intriguing patterns.

The exhibition is the result of a four-year PhD research project, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and conducted by Maria Chiara Scuderi in collaboration with the University of Leicester and Leicester Museums and Galleries.

“Harry Peach developed a passion for good design, amassing a collection of well-made and beautifully-crafted items thanks to his network of contacts around the world,” said independent curator Maria Scuderi.

“This exhibition will shine a spotlight on just some of the beautiful basketry work in his collection.

“Visitors to the exhibition will be able to see a wide range of objects, colourfully decorated with traditional patterns, and learn about their journey to Leicester from the places where they were made.”

Assistant city mayor Cllr Vi Dempster, who’s responsible for the city’s museums, said: “This collection of crafts comes from all corners of the globe, but it was amassed by a man who lived and died in Leicester.

“All the items on display are not only beautiful to look at, having been crafted by people from as far away as Sudan and Sri Lanka, but they were also designed to be useful and functional.

“While this new exhibition will show just a fraction of the basketry collected by Harry Peach, it will give visitors a flavour of the quality of the items in this truly remarkable collection.”

Harry Peach’s collection of handicrafts – The Dryad Collection ­– was presented to Leicester’s museum service in 1969.

The extensive collection of basketwork, fabrics, woodwork and toys immediately became an important educational resource, with items regularly taken into schools in Leicester and Leicestershire during the 1970s and 80s.

Dryad Basketry: a Global Collection opens at Leicester Museum & Art Gallery on Saturday 21 September and continues until 9 March 2025.

Also opening at Leicester Museum on Saturday (21 September) is From India to Leicester, a showcase of contemporary Asian art from internationally renowned artist Kamal Koria (K.Koria).

K.Koria is known for his dynamic and colourful approach. His bold, unique style merges traditional techniques with modern aesthetics, and has captivated audiences worldwide.  

From India to Leicester will run from 21 September to 1 December.