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Children’s services need some improvements, says Ofsted

Published on Wednesday, January 29, 2025

2 minute read

Leicester City Council's offices, City Hall, in Leicester

A NEW report from Ofsted says that children’s services in Leicester require some improvements to be consistently good, despite identifying some very strong areas.

Inspectors visited Leicester City Council in September last year to review all aspects of children’s social care, including adoption and fostering, early help services, staff development and out-of-hours responses.

They noted the ‘supportive environment’ leaders have maintained for staff, ensuring that caseloads remain at manageable levels. They found that handovers happened clearly and swiftly; staff knew how to escalate children’s cases appropriately and that social workers ‘know their children well and speak about them with knowledge and sensitivity.’ The use of child protection plans and processes to bring children into the care of the local authority were appropriate.

The council’s fostering service was also highlighted as an area of significant strength, with carers receiving ‘very good’ support.

Their report says that in order to achieve a judgement of ‘good’, leaders in children’s services need to improve the information they have to evaluate performance, and that care plans and responses to some referrals also need to be more consistent if all children are to have the best possible outcomes. An improvement plan has been produced to address the points raised by Ofsted.

Inspectors also said that arrangements to support the very small group of most vulnerable children in care and care leavers could be improved, as well as support for young adult care leavers in prison or facing homelessness - areas which have been swiftly addressed by the authority since the inspection.

Deputy city mayor with responsibility for social care, Cllr Sarah Russell, said: “This report was conducted back in September, which means we’ve already completed, or are working on, many of the actions and helpful points that were raised.

“I’m very proud that inspectors identified that our staff are well-supported, our workforce is stable and our social workers know their children well. It shows that we have a good baseline for improvement and the foundations of our social work practice are good.

“However, we also felt we couldn’t engage with Ofsted inspectors in the way we wanted to. We are experienced at undergoing inspections, but felt that the process this time was extremely difficult, with a lack of recognition of areas of good practice. Where things need to be improved, it is usually the case that very small numbers of children experience less than good support from us. This was not reflected in the final report.

“We are taking up these issues with Ofsted, but in the meantime our focus is firmly on ensuring that our staff are supported, children in Leicester are kept safe, and that we continue to work really hard to provide the best possible service for every child and family that needs our help.”

Laurence Jones, the city council’s strategic director of social care and education, added: “We are disappointed in this report, which we feel does not accurately reflect our service due to issues in the inspection process. However, it has confirmed some areas of focused improvement which were already known to the leadership team.  Having stabilised our workforce and created a supportive environment for staff, we are now absolutely determined to offer a consistently good service to every child and family we work with. This commitment is demonstrated by the actions we have already put in place, and we will continue to work to achieve this.”  

More information about support for children and young people can be found at

The full report can be found on the Ofsted website.